Interview with Leah Ibrahim Sams: Power of Women’s Latest Drop on Rarible

This week Power of Women drops Summer is ON - another stunning NFT collection on Rarible, available to mint in $DEGEN.

Summer is ON drop on Base mint with DEGEN on Rarible Leah Sams

🌞Hot summer days that seem to never end.
Ice clinking happily in your glass. Air con blasting 24/7
Oh yes. 
Summer is here.

Launched in 2021 by British Malaysian illustrator Leah Sams, Power of Women is a big advocate for diversity and inclusion in web3. With major brand partnerships and a recently launched fashion line under her belt, it’s clear that Leah is here to stay.

We sat down earlier this week for a quick chat about her latest drop (minting on Rarible for only 100 $DEGEN…that’s less than $1!) Read on to discover her journey into web3, the move to Base, and her plans for the future.

You have quite a unique background in set design and theater. How did you make the leap into web3 and have you ever looked back?  

Leah: When the pandemic hit, like so many people working in the arts, I lost all my theater design work overnight. In my attempt to stay creative and learn new skills, I discovered digital illustration and a love of drawing female portraits. 

It was only when my husband also changed jobs to become a firefighter did we discover Web3. Most of his crew mates were into crypto and NFTs and when he shared my very colorful, fashion orientated, female empowered artwork with his crew of five burly male firefighters, they said “These are incredible, I’d buy these as NFTs!” And that’s how I was persuaded to begin my journey into Web3. 

I launched my first collection of digital artworks whilst learning about the tech, the art scene, the community and fell in love with all of it straight away, without ever looking back!

The colors, the spice, the vibe. We can recognize your art the moment we look at it. What inspires your style?

Leah: Everything is colorful and vibrant! Art, fashion, graphic design, and culture. I love fashion that makes me double take and look at someone’s fit just a little longer. I love how confident an outfit can make you feel. I love textiles and traditions that have been passed down the generations, and the ways in which we're keeping them alive.

I love this new era of graphic design and branding that’s bringing together typography and color combos that make my heart sing. 

And I love drawing inspiration from the gorgeous colors and patterns found in the natural world, especially those that connect me with the tropics and my heritage in Malaysia.

'Summer is ON' is your second drop on Base. What drew you to this L2 instead of Ethereum?

Leah: I fell in love with this space because of the art and community, and I stayed because the technology gives artists more power and ownership over our work.

For me, L2’s low gas fees are making it even more accessible for artists to sell their art and for collectors to collect. I’m all for tech that empowers and enables artists to earn income through their art!

Congrats on the success of Power of Women's fashion line Paradise Collection. (Some say it's the first time good taste got incorporated with NFC chips!) Do you plan to launch phygitals this year?

Leah: Never say never! At the moment I’m focused on getting as many eyes as possible on the Paradise Collection and the NFC chip enabled digital experience that comes with each garment, including exclusive content and art drops for owners.

Phygitals would be the dream and I would love to partner with a brand to create an art collection where owners are able to claim and wear physical merch from the digital drop!

Partnerships and collaborations are really great marketing strategies in the NFT space and you've had some brilliant ones. How do you manage to stay true to Power of Women's values while keeping strong ties to these brands?

Leah: I’m so grateful to have worked with some killer brands in this space, on projects that align with Power of Women’s vision. With every partnership I’ve learned so much about how each brand operates, what values are important to them, and what outcomes they are looking for from a collab. I’m always up for a challenge, and what can be more challenging than creating a cohesive artwork or collection that merges the styling of two brands whilst promoting a unified message?

What advice would you give to artists and creatives who dream of breaking into web3?

Leah: Don't be afraid to explore blockchains and communities. Experiment with different things and discover what works best for you. Other than that, it’s important to be persistent.

A phrase I’ve heard from the music industry which I think applies to the art world too is “it takes 10 years to be an overnight success”. 

Be consistent in your dogged determination to work at your craft and build your community. A single opportunity may change your career in an instant, but it may take you years to find that opportunity. Keep at it!