Tù.úk’z on Rarible: The Man Behind the Art
‘At The Sight Of Beauty’ brings the Brazilian artist’s unmistakable aesthetic to Rarible

Glitch, AI, abstract beauty. Tù.úk’z is a brilliant artist who has consistently pushed the boundaries of digital creativity. This week, he launched a new drop exclusively on Rarible.com, and we couldn't miss the opportunity to share his story.
‘At The Sight Of Beauty’ is minting from August 13 until August 20 at 0.0075 ETH on Ethereum.
Keep reading as this OG in the NFT art space discusses his journey and the inspirations behind this new piece.
Your latest work, ‘At The Sight Of Beauty’, is dropping exclusively on Rarible. What inspired you to create this piece? How did you go about creating it, and what does it mean to you?
Tù.úk’z: Well, I’m a huge fan of landscapes—I really love them. They somehow give me a sense of hope, a feeling that change is on the horizon. I believe it's because I see that change in nature itself; nature is constantly evolving. I truly believe that when I create a landscape piece, I’m working towards the change I want to see in myself and in the world around me.
This piece is special because it symbolizes a reunion of sorts with my artistic style, my signature, and myself as an artist. As an artist, I often get lost between different styles, techniques, and aesthetics. It’s just part of my nature, I guess—part of the constant experimentation.
“However, there is one particular style and aesthetic that I’m known for, that people recognize in my colors and shapes. And this piece symbolizes that; I've rediscovered myself in this practice, which I deeply appreciate and am eager to hold onto for future works.”
The drop is happening on the Ethereum blockchain. With so many artists choosing other chains, why did you decide to launch ‘At The Sight Of Beauty’ on Ethereum?
Tù.úk’z: I believe my most active collectors right now are choosing ETH over other blockchains like Tezos or Solana. I started in 2021 and minted my first artwork on Tezos, where I had great success and an amazing experience on that blockchain. However, since I began minting more regularly on ETH, I've been fortunate to find many supporters there as well, making it my primary platform for minting at the moment. I still mint on different blockchains, but I've been more focused on ETH lately.
Your work is known for blending glitch art and other digital techniques. How do you see the relationship between technology and art in your creations?
Tù.úk’z: Well, glitch art is where I came from, where I educated myself as a digital artist. It’s where I learned everything I know today. I had wonderful mentors, people who supported me when I started—it was just an incredible place for me. It was more than just an art genre or movement; it was a family.
For me, technology is how I chose to express myself as an artist. I could have chosen to be a painter, an illustrator, or a street artist, but I chose to be a digital artist—or rather, digital art chose me.
“It’s where I found the most success in expressing myself and accomplishing that, first through glitch art, then abstract art, and finally, A.I. art. These were the three genres I enjoyed the most and where I truly found myself.”
It was very natural. I do see what they all have in common, though—they are all subversive art practices. For a long time, they weren’t even considered art. They were seen as something for the outsiders, the underground. I do believe that I am one of them—one of those outsiders in art. That is what draws me to these genres and techniques.
What was it about NFTs that captured your interest and made you want to explore this medium?
Tù.úk’z: I was one of those people who first learned about NFTs through Beeple's $69M sale. It was around April or May 2021. I had been working with digital art since 2014 and had already made a name for myself by then, participating in many worldwide exhibitions and being considered a pillar in the glitch art community. Naturally, I became very interested in trying NFTs.
Since it was incredibly difficult to monetize my work as a digital artist back then, I thought it would be really cool to explore this new technology. Now, NFTs have been my main source of income since 2021, playing a huge role in my career as an artist.
You seem to enjoy maintaining some anonymity, but you’ve also been open about your Brazilian roots. Do you feel that your cultural background is expressed in your work? If so, how?
Tù.úk’z: Absolutely, yes! Anonymity has played a significant role in my background and where I come from. Almost all of my mentors when I started in 2012 were anonymous—such magnificent artists. I firmly believe in the freedom that maintaining a certain level of anonymity provides; it’s integral to my creative process.
Being Tù.úk’z is different from being Arthur Machado—they are distinct entities. One exists solely in the virtual/digital space, while the other is here, writing this text. It’s a complex relationship, but one that I embrace. Though they are the same person, they represent different personas. Arthur Machado cannot do what Tù.úk’z does. That’s where freedom comes into play—the ability to create a whole new world and express myself freely is incredible, and I believe it’s only possible through anonymity.
Of course, this anonymity is partial nowadays because I often share details about my family and location, and that’s okay. People who collect my work like to see and know that I’m a real person; it’s important for them to verify that. This transparency also fosters trust and confidence. I understand that. And regarding my cultural background, absolutely. You can see it in the psychedelic colors and elements in my work—that’s a reflection of where I come from, if you know what I mean.
After being in the web3 space for quite some time, what is one lesson you’ve learned that you would like to tell your younger, beginner self when you first started out?
Tù.úk’z: Organize yourself better; don’t rush. Plan things properly. Believe in yourself more, and trust in your potential. Things will happen in their own time. Don’t worry.